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Live Events

Name Category Date Credit Hours Price
Nature-Informed Therapy: Unlocking Mental Health and Healing from Trauma
Heidi Schreiber-Pan, Ph.D., LCPC
Mental Health Jul. 28, 2024
3 $67.00
LGBTQ+ Youth: Effective Trauma Assessment and Intervention
Diane Bigler, LCSW, LSCSW
Mental Health Aug. 2, 2024
3 $67.00
Advancing Your Motivational Interviewing Skills: Intensive Workshop
Hillary Bolter, LCSW, LCAS
Mental Health Aug. 3, 2024
6 $147.00
Prolonged Grief Disorder, Grief Models, & Interventions
Tiffani Dilworth, MA, LCPC, FT
Mental Health Aug. 9, 2024
3 $67.00
IFS strategies for Working with Complex Trauma and Dissociation
Stacy Ruse, LPC
Mental Health Aug. 10, 2024
3 $67.00
Children of Parents with Addiction: Hidden Burdens and Resiliencies
Wendy Wade PhD, LPCC, CADC 1
Mental Health Aug. 16, 2024
3 $67.00
Resilience in Practice: Strategies for Clinicians Balancing Trauma Work and Compassion Fatigue
Katelyn Baxter-Musser, MSW, LCSW, C-DBT, C-PD
Mental Health Aug. 17, 2024
3 $67.00
Safety in the Field and De-escalation for Helping Professionals
Diane Bigler, LCSW, LSCSW
Mental Health Aug. 23, 2024
3 $67.00
Clinical Psychopharmacology Made Ridiculously Simple
Bret A. Moore, Psy.D., ABPP
Mental Health Aug. 30, 2024
3 $67.00
Embracing Ethical Power: Enhancing Therapeutic Practice
Mental Health Aug. 31, 2024
3 $67.00
Mental Health and the Military: Cultural and Clinical Considerations for Treating Veterans with PTSD and Related Conditions
Bret A. Moore, Psy.D., ABPP
Mental Health Sep. 6, 2024
3 $67.00
Evidence-based Treatment of Depression: Integrating CBT and Other Effective Therapeutic Methods.
John Ludgate, PhD
Mental Health Sep. 7, 2024
3 $67.00
Improve Mental Health Symptoms through Enriched Interactions with Interpersonal Psychotherapy Interventions
Lillian Gibson, PhD
Mental Health Sep. 13, 2024
3 $67.00
A Clinician's Guide to Supporting Children and Adolescents with Chronic Pain and Co-Occurring Conditions
Christina Marsack-Topolewski, Ph.D., LMSW
Mental Health Sep. 20, 2024
3 $67.00
Clearing the Fog: Recognizing, Understanding, and Protecting Against Gaslighting
Amy Marlow-MaCoy, LPC
Mental Health Sep. 21, 2024
3 $67.00

Self-Paced Courses

Name Category Credit Hours Price
Somatic Language of Trauma: How Understanding the Nervous System Can Support Kids from Hard Places
Christine Baker, PhD, LPC-S, CSAT, SEP
Mental Health 3 $57
Priming: Using the Hidden Power of Language for Superior Client Outcomes and Self-Improvement
Clifton Mitchell Ph.D.
Mental Health 3 $57
Mindfulness of the Body, Mind and Heart with Nature
Rochelle Calvert, PhD, CMT, SEP, BCBA
Mental Health 3 $57
From Chaos to Clarity: Unleashing the Power of the Golden Thread in Treatment Planning
Beth Rontal, LICSW
Mental Health 3 $57
Prolonged Grief Disorder and the DSM-V-TR
Tiffani Dilworth, MA, LCPC, FT
Mental Health 2 $47
Effective Techniques for Dealing with Highly Resistant Clients
Clifton Mitchell Ph.D.
Mental Health 3 $57
Domestic Violence Victimization & Clinical Considerations
Rebecca Vazquez, PhD, LPC, NCC
Mental Health 3 $57
Advance Care Planning for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD): Where Do We Go From Here?
Christina Marsack-Topolewski, Ph.D., LMSW
Mental Health 3 $57
Deconstructing Anxiety: An In-Depth Exploration of a Powerful New Approach to Anxiety Disorders
Todd Pressman, PhD
Mental Health 6 $147
Ambiguous Grief and Loss in Narcissistic and Emotionally Abusive Relationships
Amy Marlow-MaCoy, LPC
Mental Health 3 $57
Understanding Pure O: Navigating Adolescent Worry
Kathryn Held, Psychological Associate, CADC III
Mental Health 1.5 $27
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Variance, Manifestation, and Strategies Provide Tailored Supports and Services
Christina Marsack-Topolewski, Ph.D., LMSW
Mental Health 3 $57
Exploring Evidenced-Based Therapies for Suicide
Diane Bigler, LCSW, LSCSW
Mental Health 3 $57
Prolonged Grief Disorder, Grief Models, & Interventions
Tiffani Dilworth, MA, LCPC, FT
Mental Health 3 $57
Utilizing CBT in the Treatment of Panic Disorders and Health Anxiety
John Ludgate, PhD
Mental Health 3 $57

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