Tiffani Dilworth, MA, LCPC, FT

Tiffani Dilworth, MA, LCPC, FT, is a successful psychotherapist, author, and sought-after speaker on topics related to grief, PTSD, and sexual assault. Miss Dilworth received her Master’s in Community Counseling from Oklahoma State University. She’s a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor who specializes in PTSD, Grief, and Sexual Trauma. She’s a Fellow in Thanatology and a Certified Advanced Grief Counseling Specialist. Miss Dilworth has worked across the US with various organizations, schools, universities, and corporations to bring awareness to the grieving process and to teach countless people how to live alongside their grief. In addition to maintaining a private practice, Miss Dilworth is an affiliate of PsychExperts & Associates, Inc, located in Baltimore, MD. Drawing on her rich clinical experience, Miss Dilworth incorporates the most current information on the process of grieving with evidence-based and innovative treatment techniques that clinicians can immediately use in their practice. She’s the author of the books 11 Tools to Help Manage the Aftermath of Trauma and Types of Grief, and the host of Managing My Grief Podcast.

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