George B Haarman, Psy.D, LMFT

George B Haarman, Psy.D, LMFT, is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with more than 40 years of experience. A member of the American Psychological Association and Kentucky Psychological Association, Dr. Haarman is currently in private practice in Louisville, Kentucky, and serves as a consultant to several school systems regarding the assessment of children. For 24 years, Dr. Haarman worked in the Department of Human Services in Louisville, serving as the Deputy Director for the last 12 years of his tenure there. His prior experience with DHS included working with youth detention centers, juvenile group homes, child protective services, and juvenile probation. Dr. Haarman received his doctorate in clinical psychology from Spalding University and has been an instructor at Jefferson Community College, Bellarmine University, and Spalding University. Because of his years of experience in mental health, he has presented seminars regionally and nationally on psychopathology, depression, and emotional disorders in adults. He is also the author of School Refusal: Children Who Can’t or Won’t Go to School, Clinical Supervision: Legal, Ethical, and Risk Management Issues, and Mastering DSM-5.

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