Tracy Levine, LCSW

Tracy Levine is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who currently serves as the Executive Director of the Naomi Ruth Cohen Institute for Mental Health Education at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Tracy earned both a bachelor’s degree and her Master of Social Work from the University of Michigan. She has a certificate in Non-Profit Executive Leadership and over 30 years of experience in behavioral health and direct services. Her passion for service and dedication to improving the lives of others is proven through years of leading programs focused on building resilience, strengthening family relationships, and supporting children, families, and emerging adults. Tracy is a respected educator, trainer, and presenter and an adept advocate for the coordination and implementation of trauma-informed community-based programming. She believes in fostering inclusivity, meeting the needs of the under-resourced, and reducing stigma while supplying support and hope. Tracy is the Board President of Mental Health America of the Northern Suburbs(MHANS).

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