Jill Maglio PhD/OTR-L

Jill Maglio is an occupational therapist with over 15 years of experience using circus as an educational and community-building methodology. She founded Holistic Circus Therapy in 2010 and, later, CircusAid in 2016. Since 2011, she has trained nearly 1,000 people internationally in the methodology she created called the Holistic Circus Therapy Practice Model. The HCT network includes individuals from different backgrounds, such as occupational therapists, psychologists, students, circus performers and teachers, global health workers, NGOs, education professionals, and community development service providers. Jill has conducted PD activities for academic conferences as a guest lecturer for OT universities, in partnership with circus organizations, and through her own curated online events. Jill is a pioneer in combining circus and occupational therapy with her first academic contribution made in 2008 and most recently through her PhD contribution that researched circus use by occupational therapists in individual, community and social-political contexts

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