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Name Category Date Credit Hours Price
Bridging Divides: Coming Home to Belonging
Ki Smith, MA, LPCC
Mental Health Oct. 19, 2024
3 $67.00
Ethical Challenges in Reporting Across the Lifespan: Child Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence and Elder Abuse
Kathryn Krase, JD, MSW
Mental Health Oct. 25, 2024
3 $67.00
Touching the Mind: Mental and Mood Disorders for Massage Therapists
Ruth Werner, BCTMB
Massage Therapy Oct. 25, 2024
3 $57.00
Innovative Techniques for Dissolving Resistance: The Precursors Model of Change
Fred J. Hanna, PhD
Mental Health Oct. 26, 2024
3 $73.00
Evidenced Based Interventions for Stabilization and Arousal Dysregulation in PTSD
Daphne Fatter, Ph.D.
Mental Health Nov. 1, 2024
3 $67.00
Superhero Therapy: Combining Evidence Based Therapy with Pop-culture Narratives to Help Clients Recover from Anxiety, PTSD, and Loneliness
Janina Scarlet, PhD
Mental Health Nov. 2, 2024
6 $147.00
Somatic Healing: Transforming Trauma and Living into Aliveness
Rochelle Calvert, PhD, CMT, SEP, BCBA
Mental Health Nov. 9, 2024
3 $67.00
Strengthening Your Suicide Assessment Skills
Diane Bigler, LCSW, LSCSW
Mental Health Nov. 15, 2024
3 $67.00
Ethical Dilemmas: Choose Your Own Adventure
Dayna Guido, MSW, LCSW
Mental Health Nov. 16, 2024
3 $67.00
Influencing Feelings and Emotions in Therapy: The Neurobiology of the Insula
Janene M. Donarski, PhD, LP, CCATP, ECDCS
Mental Health Nov. 23, 2024
3 $67.00
The Mind Body Connection: Aromatherapy, Massage, and Stress
Barbara Lynn Cantone, LMT, LE, CCA, EOLD, OM
Massage Therapy Dec. 5, 2024
3 $57.00
"Who Are You Calling Complex?!" : Essential Pharmacology for Treating Medically Complex Dental Patients
Thomas Viola, R.Ph., CCP
Dentistry Dec. 5, 2024
2 $47.00
Understanding and Addressing Grief, Forgiveness, and Emotional Pain
Brandon Jones, MA
Mental Health Dec. 6, 2024
3 $67.00
Skills for Supporting Resilience: A Trauma-Informed Training
Katelyn Baxter-Musser, MSW, LCSW, C-DBT, C-PD
Mental Health Dec. 7, 2024
3 $67.00
Implicit Bias Training: Increasing Understanding towards Reducing Barriers and Disparities in Access to and Delivery of Physical and Mental Health Care Services
Kathryn Krase, JD, MSW
Massage Therapy Physical Health Mental Health Dec. 13, 2024
3 $67.00

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